Coconut and Strawberry Modak


Ganapati Bappa Morya!

Bappa brings happiness with him. And also lot of sweets!!

This was the recipe I developed because I wanted to go live on Youtube. It was my first time and did not know how it all works and how comfortable I will be talking to the camera. Unlike Zoom and Webex sessions that we have gotten used to in last few months, we are not able to see the audience on YouTube. So this was just a trial and I wanted to make something which did not involve actual heating and cooking.

I tried it for the first time just a week before Ganapati Bappa's arrival. Put together 3 ingredients, mixed it and shaped them. Done!! It was very east and they came out nice. I offered to to Bappa as prasad and within 5 minutes the plate was empty! In last 2 weeks, I have made these Modaks four times already! And twice the quantity that is mentioned in the recipe below. Do give it a try. They look great and taste great too!

To make these modaks, we will need-

6 tablespoon desiccated coconut powder.

2 tablespoon milk powder

1 1/2 tablespoon Strawberry Fruit spread or jam

Modak mold (Optional)

1 teaspoon melted butter to grease the mold.


  1. Take 6 heaped spoonful desiccated coconut in a plate.
  2. Add 2 tablespoon Milk powder.
  3. Add 1 tablespoon Strawberry Syrup/ spread/ jam.
  4. Mix well. 
  5. Mix well till it all comes together and can be easily shaped in to small balls. It is possible that you may not need more syrup/ jam. But if required, add half tablespoon Strawberry spread/ jam and mix well.
  6. Grease the Modak mold with melted butter and place the coconut balls in each cavity and shape the modaks. 
Please watch the videos to see the demonstration. If you don't have mold, please check out Marathi video. In last 2-3 minutes, I have shown how to mold these modaks even if you don't have the readymade molds.
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For recipe in English- (attaching the video of live session)

For recipe in Marathi-

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I am Sonali and Welcome to Sonali's Homefoods! Thank you for visiting my blog. This is my attempt to digitize my culinary experiments and also seek creative satisfaction. I am not a professional chef or a nutritionist. I enjoy cooking and often find it meditative as it takes my mind of many unnecessary issues. I look forward to sharing with you all, recipes that are tried, tested, tasted and appreciated by my family and friends. Some recipes that I learnt from my parents, some from my friends and their moms. Some I got from recipe books and some I got from internet. But I am most excited to share with you some recipes that I have developed myself. I look forward to enjoy this delicious journey with you all!

Chia Shrikhanda


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